Breathe Easy with New Air Alert Service
Sevenoaks District Council has launched a new Air Alert Service, an automated service available to anyone living in Sevenoaks District who suffers from a respiratory condition including COPD or asthma.
The FREE service enables people to register to receive air quality alerts to give them prior notice when air quality is poor or deteriorating, which may cause tem to have breathing difficulties. This then enables them to make informed decisions about whether they should go out when they know the air quality going to be poor, close their windows or to take extra medication out with them.
Once registered the information is sent by text message, telephone voice message or email. People registered for similar services in other areas said that this has helped them to manage their symptoms and found it very useful. One GP in Devon has seen emergency hospital admissions relating to respiratory conditions reduce by up to 82%.
To register for free Air Alerts, visit or telephone 01732 227000. Email for further information.
The service is delivered by Sevenoaks District Council in partnership with Kings College London and the Sussex Air Quality Group.